Free Home Remedies for Fever Blisters

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus (HSV-1). Many people are affected by cold sores and experience several outbreaks a year. HSV-1 is often "caught" in childhood when sharing drinks, water fountains and food is common. Fortunately for those who are affected by fever blisters, there are some free measures you can take to not only prevent an outbreak, but also help blisters heal faster.
  1. Home Remedies

    • There are several ways you can help get rid of fever blisters. One of the first things you can do is apply ice as soon as you feel a fever blister emerging, usually a tingling feeling. Apply the ice five to ten minutes each hour and you may be able to stop the cold sore from ever appearing. Once it does appear, apply one of the following ointments, which you may have at home, several times a day: aloe, zinc, vitamin E or St. John's Wart. These will help speed up the healing process. Also, keeping it moist with lip balm will help heal the fever blister.


    • Fever blisters are sometimes brought on by stress. If you can find an outlet to relieve stress, you may have fewer outbreaks. Exercise is a great stress reliever. Going to the gym, running, swimming and biking are just a few examples. Other things you can do to relieve stress include taking baths, reading books and meditating.

      You should keep your immune system at its best by washing your hands frequently and eating a healthy diet. Vitamin C and yogurt with live cultures are also good for the immune system. In addition, a diet high in the amino acid lystine (e.g. milk, eggs, fish) but low in arginine (e.g. chocolate, peanuts, peas) can help prevent cold sores. There are lystine supplements you can take, if desired. Also, eating a diet high in B12 can help prevent a cold sore outbreak. Eat foods rich in B12 like fish, mollusks and fortified cereals.

      The sun can also bring on fever blisters. So, stay out of the sun and keep your lips moist with lip balm with an SPF of 15 or higher.

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