What Does Herpes Look Like After It Heals?
There are a few different types of herpes. The most well-known types include HSV-1 (oral herpes), HSV-2 (genital herpes) and ocular herpes (affecting the eye), which isn't as highly spread. The sores look similar no matter where they occur on the body.
HSV-1, sometimes referred to as cold sores or fever blisters, is the form of herpes seen around the lips or mouth. Herpes can certainly be contracted by someone with HSV-1 via open sores or oral secretions, though contraction through HSV-2 is more likely. These types of sores appear to be red and liquid-filled, until the blisters break, leaving a pink, tender area that will most likely crust over and eventually disappear.
HSV-2, or genital herpes, occurs around the regions of the genitals or rectum. Spread by sexual contact, HSV-2 can leave anywhere from one bump to several clusters of bumps in and around the infected area. Just like with oral herpes, the symptoms for genital herpes include infected bumps around areas such as the penis, scrotum, vulva, vagina, anus, urethra, thighs and buttocks. The liquid-filled bumps are pink to red in color, and when they burst they leave a crusty, tender sore.
Lack of Cure
While there is no cure for herpes, the breakouts do tend to taper off. The first breakout is the worst, and some people never experience a breakout again. For those who do experience multiple breakouts, the episodes generally become few and far between, with fewer bumps and sores, and thus generally less painful.
Those affected with herpes should remember that even when there are no visible sores, herpes is still highly contagious, particularly right before an outbreak and right afterward, when wounds are still healing.