Are Blisters and Cold Sores Always a Symptom of Herpes?
The Basics of the Herpes Simplex Virus
Herpes simplex virus type 1 causes mouth sores and eye infections, and is usually transmitted through infected saliva. Herpes simplex virus type 2 is usually sexually transmitted and causes genital sores.
Symptoms of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
Herpes simplex virus type 1 causes blisters, often on the mouth, lips or gums, enlarged lymph nodes, fever blisters, fever and mouth sores. Mouth sores caused by herpes often tingle or burn before they appear.
Other Causes of Blisters
Blisters, also known as vesicles, can also be caused by allergic reactions, eczema, certain skin diseases, contact dermatitis, impetigo and shingles.
Other Causes of Mouth Sores
Mouth sores can also be caused by braces, chewing tobacco, biting your gum or lip, sharp or broken teeth or burns.
Herpes simplex virus can sometimes be diagnosed by appearance, although your doctor may perform a blood test, viral culture or a direct fluorescent antibody test.