How to Heal Herpes Sores on the Gums
Talk to your doctor about anti-viral medications. If started right at the onset of the outbreak, medication can ease pain and lessen the duration slightly. If you get cold sores frequently, you might benefit from taking these medications on a regular basis.
Use over-the-counter topical treatments containing lidocaine or benzyl alcohol as directed on the product label. They can relieve symptoms.
Experiment with hot and cold compresses to ease pain. You might prefer one to the other or find a combination of the two provides optimal relief.
Ease pain with over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin, Tylenol, naproxen or ibuprofen. Do not give children aspirin.
Avoid the temptation to pick at the sores; this will delay healing, worsen pain and possibly cause infection.
Use natural treatments to speed healing and ease symptoms. The University of Maryland Medical Center offers several suggestions. They include lysine (1,000 to 3,000 mg daily), zinc oxide cream, lemon balm ointment, rhubarb cream and the homeopathic supplements natrum muriaticum, rhus toxicodendron, mercurius or sepia. Use homeopathic treatments as directed on the label. Check with your doctor before using any natural treatments, orally or topically.