How to Identify Early Herpes Blisters
Identifying Early Herpes Sores
Determine if you have possibly been recently exposed to genital herpes. HSV-2 can be contracted from sexual contact, even when a condom is used, whether or not the other person has or has ever had obvious signs of genital herpes infection; this is because some people can be infected without developing symptoms and can pass the virus on to others. HSV-2 can also be spread through the use of articles that have touched the affected skin, although this is more rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who become infected and do develop symptoms generally have their first outbreak about two weeks after infection.
Watch for the development of the symptoms of genital herpes. These include pain, burning, or tingling in the genital or surrounding area (thighs, buttocks) followed soon after by a red rash with blisters that contain fluid, break open, and then crust over. It may also be painful to urinate. The Mayo Clinic reports that other symptoms of a first outbreak of genital herpes include headaches, muscle aches, fever, and swollen lymph glands in the genital area.
See your doctor in order to confirm the genital herpes diagnosis. Your doctor may perform blood tests and take samples of fluid from blisters in order to reach a diagnosis. Additionally, the Mayo Clinic reports that a doctor may recommend that you be tested for other sexually transmitted disease. Your doctor may prescribe medications used to manage genital herpes symptoms.