Treatment of Herpes Zoster of the Eye
There are several types of eye herpes: herpes keratitis is a simple, viral cornea infection. Stromal keratitis involves deeper layers of the cornea making the infection more severe. Finally, Iridocyclitis is the most severe form of eye herpes, causing infection to the iris and surrounding tissue.
Symptoms of eye herpes present as watery discharge, eye redness or eye sores, swelling around the eye, sensitivity to light and the feeling of a foreign object inside the eye.
Ocular herpes is transmitted from another person's active outbreak or from the individual's outbreak in another location such as a cold sore on the lip.
Antiviral Treatment
If the infection is not severe, antiviral medication will be administered in the form of eye drops. Steroids may also be used to boost the body's immune system during an outbreak.
Surgical Treatment
If the infection is deep and cornea scarring has occurred, a physician may scrape away the infected epithelial cells to prevent further damage. In extreme cases, a cornea transplant will be required to correct the damage.