What to Expect With Shingles
Early Symptoms
Early signs of shingles are red rashes that develop across the body. The rashes are itchy and can have a painful burning sensation when irritated.
The original red rashes quickly develop into blisters. Blisters can vary greatly in size and require about four weeks to heal. They can sometimes leave scars.
Shingles is a very painful nerve infection. The virus reaches the skin by traveling along nerves causing inflammation and nerve damage.
Postherpetic Neuralgia
Pain after the rash is gone is known as postherpetic neuralgia. This pain results from inflammation of the nerves and can last for up to six months.
There are many natural remedies available for shingles that treat the virus quickly and effectively. Although you can expect good results with natural treatments, you should quickly pursue other remedies if the symptoms persist. There are prescription medications available to relieve the pain, and cortizone by mouth can help reduce nerve inflammation. Compresses with diluted vinegar and lukewarm water can ease the discomfort of the blisters.