Herpes Treatment Options
Types: Antivirals
Antiviral medications, which specifically target the virus that causes herpes outbreaks, may be prescribed to control symptoms, especially in the case of genital herpes, according to the Mayo Clinic. These drugs include acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir.
Types: Suppressive Therapy
People who have frequent outbreaks of either genital or oral herpes may be put on antiviral medications to take every day. This treatment, called daily suppressive therapy, is designed to limit the number of outbreaks.
Topical treatments can be used for herpes cold sores. The Mayo Clinic reports that these include lidocaine and benzyl alcohol, which are available without a prescription.
Home Remedies
The Mayo Clinic recommends that, if necessary, over-the-counter pain medications can be used to manage the pain of oral herpes. Additionally, applying ice or heat may help the blisters feel better.
Remedies for genital herpes not approved by a doctor should not be used. Unapproved treatments can actually delay healing time in addition to not treating symptoms.
An individual outbreak of either oral or genital herpes will clear up on its own, though treatment may relieve or reduce symptoms. However, no treatment can cure either condition.