Herpes Vs. Canker Sore
Herpes Cold Sores
The cause of cold sores is the herpes simplex virus. The first sign of a cold sore is a tingling feeling. Then a red blister will appear. Cold sores last seven to 10 days.
Canker Sores
The cause of canker sores is uncertain. Canker sores appear inside the mouth as shallow lesions that may have a whitish film. Canker sores disappear within two weeks.
Canker and cold sores are diagnosed visually. There is no need for laboratory testing.
Treatment of Cold Sores
Products that contain docosanol, lysine, zinc, phenol or tannic acid can be applied at the first sign of a cold sore. Use numbing agents on sores for discomfort, and lip balm to keep the area from cracking. Medication can be prescribed to prevent cold sores.
Treatment for Canker Sores
Use numbing agents to help reduce discomfort. Severe canker sores may require a prescription for a mouth rinse or paste. B and C vitamins, zinc and lysine will help heal the sores quickly.