Homeopathic Cures for Fever Blisters
Natural Remedies
Ice is a great home cure for a fever blister when it first begins to appear. Apply ice to the blister every 10 minutes over the first hour to stop the development process. Tea is an effective remedy for a fever blister because it contains tannic acid, which has anti-viral properties. Black tea is the best form to use. Moisten the tea bag and place it on the blister every hour for a few minutes. It is best to begin this remedy at the start, the tingle stage, of the fever blister to reduce its duration and development.
Apply petroleum jelly or any other doctor-recommended substance to keep the blister moist and prevent it from cracking and breaking. Apply lemon balm extract directly on the fever blister to encourage healing and soothe any pain or discomfort. Baking soda is a useful remedy for blisters because the blisters are a form of herpes and they cannot be replicated in alkaline environments. Apply baking soda directly on the fever blister to form an alkaline base and prevent multiple or enlarged blisters. Aloe vera is a good treatment for any break in the skin, including fever blisters. When honey is applied directly to the blister it works as an anti-fungal, antibiotic and anti-viral remedy.
Your diet is a key part in curing your fever blister. Avoid caffeine and salty foods. It is important to eliminate any foods that are high in arginine such as chocolate, oatmeal or peanuts because it hinders the fever blister from healing rapidly. Vitamins such as B12 and folic acid are great to add to your diet because they encourage faster healing times.
Fever blister are easy to spread, so it is important to refrain from oral contact with others. Avoid sharing toothbrushes, cups or anything that may come in contact with your fever blister. Hand washing is an important part of preventing the spread of a fever blister. Thoroughly wash your hands if you have applied any treatment or touched your mouth.