Prescription Treatments for Cold Sores
A cold sore is actually caused by the herpes simplex virus. As such, medications have to be able to break up the virus, not just treat the negative effects on the skin.
There are two basic types of prescription medications for cold sores: Topical creams, that are applied directly to the cold sore, and pills, that are taken orally.
The medication in topical cream is absorbed through the skin to combat the viral outbreak. Pills are absorbed into the bloodstream, and they fight the virus that causes the cold sore from inside the body.
Side Effects
Side effects with cold sore pills are rare, but can include headache, nausea and diarrhea. Side effects of topical medications usually involve skin irritation.
Without treatment, cold sores tend to clear up in roughly 10 days. With either oral or topical medication, this time can be reduced to a few days.