Alternative Treatment for Cold Sores
Amino Acids
Lysine is an amino acid that prevents cold sore outbreaks. It has the ability to flush from the body the amino acid that produces the virus that causes cold sores. This amino acid is called arginine. The herpes simplex virus is made up mostly of arginine. The article "Foods That Prevent Cold Sores - and How They Stop a Cold Sore Fast!," suggests increasing your intake of lysine rather than avoiding foods with arginine, because the body needs both amino acids. Foods rich in lysine include eggs, mangoes, apricots, pears, apples, papaya, dairy products, avocados, beets, fish, chicken, and beef. Balance your diet with these foods, or take lysine supplements when eating foods rich in arginine. Foods high in arginine include peanuts, almonds, brown rice, chocolate, peanut butter, caffeine, oats, seeds, gelatin, dried beans, and whole wheat flour and white flour.
Vitamins are effective nutrients used to treat or prevent cold sores. According to Best Herpes Treatments, vitamins A, B, C, and E are recommended to combat cold sores. Vitamin B6 aids in the production of antibodies, making it an effective defense against cold sores. The complex B vitamins support the immune system and help relieve stress and reduce the chances of developing cold sores. Like vitamin B, vitamin E functions to keep the immune system strong, and can help prevent cold sores. Vitamin E also promotes healthy skin, and is used to treat cold sores when they appear on the skin. Vitamin A is another immune system booster that increases the body's effectiveness to fight infections. Vitamin C keeps the immune system strong as well. It mobilizes white blood cells, making it an essential vitamin in disease prevention.
Homeopathic Remedies
Several homeopathy remedies can neutralize cold sores, including natrum muriaticum (Nat mur) and rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy). According to Health 911, natrum muriaticum is an effective topical treatment for cold sores around the lips, mouth, nose and chin. It's most effective when the cold sore first appears on the swollen lip . As for rhus tox, which is best known as poison ivy, can be used after nat mur has been applied. It continues the healing process and should be applied during the tissue crusting.