Is Herpes Type 1 Contagious?
HHV-1 is transmitted through contact with the skin of an infected person to the mouth or other mucosal tissue of an uninfected person. Although HHV-1 most commonly causes cold sores, a person with oral herpes can spread the infection to the genitals of another person, according to the Mayo Clinic.
This can happen while the infected person has a cold sore or sometimes when no cold sore is present; this feature of the virus is called asymptomatic viral shedding, and occurs periodically, according to the American Social Health Association (ASHA).
Indirect contact with the virus, as through shared articles such as utensils, towels and razors, is also possible, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Time Frame
According to ASHA, most people who contract HHV-1 do so as children by kissing their relatives or friends. However, an uninfected individual can become infected at any point in her life.
The ASHA recommends that people with an active oral herpes outbreak not kiss others or perform oral sex in order to avoid spreading the infection to others.