Herpes Encephalitis Symptoms
Initial Symptoms
Symptoms of herpes encephalitis can go from mild to severe in just a few hours. The initial symptoms include aches, fever and headache.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms of herpes encephalitis include hallucinations and personality changes. The infection can also cause memory problems, confusion, seizures and in some cases, coma.
Herpes encephalitis can be caused by the herpes virus spreading to brain and spinal cord fluid, head and neck infections, and from mother to child during birth if the mother has genital herpes.
Diagnosing herpes encephalitis includes blood tests and performing a spinal tap to collect spinal fluid. The fluid will be tested for the herpes virus, but it may take several weeks to get results.
Hospitalization and intravenous antiviral drugs are the main methods used to treat herpes encephalitis. If herpes encephalitis is suspected, treatment begins immediately, even before tests results are confirmed. If necessary, individual symptoms, such as brain swelling, may be treated with additional medicines.