Symptoms of Ocular Herpes or Eye Infections
Symptoms of ocular herpes include eye sores, infection, irritation and tearing. Other symptoms are blurry vision, eye swelling and sensitivity to light.
Herpes Keratitis
The most common form of ocular herpes is herpes keratits, which affects the top layer of the cornea, but usually leaves no scarring.
Stromal Keratitis
A more serious form of ocular herpes is stromal keratitis, which affects deeper layers of the cornea. It causes scarring and can lead to blindness.
Iridocyclitis causes eye inflammation, sensitivity to light, pain and blurred vision. This serious form of ocular herpes affects the eye's iris and surrounding tissue.
Ocular herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is passed through contact from one person to another.
Treatment of ocular herpes includes steroid and antiviral eye drops, antiviral pills and ointment. More serious cases may require the infected area to be scraped clean, surgery or a corneal transplant.