Over the Counter Cold Sore Treatments
Docosanol Products
Most OTC medicines will only help relieve cold sore symptoms, such as itching. When looking for a product that will work well, look for one that is Docosanol-based, such as popular Abreva. Docosanol have an inhibitory effect on a cold sore, and can help limit how bad a cold sore becomes. It can also stop the cold sore from becoming worse.
Numb the Pain
Most OTC medications employ a numbing effect to help stop the pain of a cold sore. Products that contain lidocaine, lysine, zinc and benzocaine will have antiviral properties within them, and will help numb the pain of a cold sore. One medicine, Banadyne-3, uses a gel that is based on benzocaine, and can help relieve the pain.
Cold Sore Containment
These OTC treatments cannot completely eradicate the virus that causes cold sores, however they can keep the virus from spreading. They also work only when you have a cold sore break out, and are not a preventative solution. It is also important to remember that cold sores are highly contagious and spread easily, no matter what treatment you're using.
Prevent Spreading
Many OTC cold sore medicines work only for relieving the pain and itching of a cold sore. They can also help prevent more from forming. Some products that contain zinc, lysine and phenol work by spreading antiviral properties on the area, which prevents the cold sores from worsening or spreading. Some sunscreens and lip moisturizers are also sold as a treatment for cold sores, as they can help protect the mouth and lips from developing sores. They can also help by softening the area, relieving discomfort.
Cold sores may be hereditary, can be caused by stress or a poor immune system, or can be brought on by the food one eats. Foods such as seeds, chocolate, carrots, peas and Lima beans can all help aggravate or even cause cold sores. The best way to head off a cold sore is to examine the circumstances around the eruption of one, to determine what lifestyle changes can be made to prevent a future outbreak.