South American Herbal Cure for Herpes
Camu-Camu Benefits
The camu-camu effectively boosts the body's immune system when ingested on a daily basis. Herpes is a dormant virus awakening when the immune system is worn down by such common ailments as a cold or the flu. If you are a herpes sufferer working overtime, a lack of sleep and improper diet can trigger the disease. Depression and alcohol consumption also weaken the immune system opening the proverbial door and awakening the herpes virus. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and there is no fruit richer in this content than the camu-camu. A regular diet of the rumberry has been attributed to keeping the virus dormant for months at a time; the virus can plague carriers as often as every four to six weeks. There are many forms of the herpes virus. Genital herpes and mouth sores are among the most common and most active in disturbing the body. Camu-camu has been effective in suppressing all of them.
Disguising the Taste
Unlike our Peruvian ancestors there are many options available for disguising the bitter taste of the camu-camu or rumberry. The berries can be blended with a mix of other fruits or prepared like a smoothie. Trading a 16-oz. latte a day for a chocolate camu-camu mix may not present you with the same satisfaction as your favorite latte, but the benefits to your body are a thousand fold better. All it really takes is a little imagination and a good blender.
Camu-Camu in Many Forms
Herpes zoster, or shingles, is another form of herpes that camu-camu may help. It is said to clear up the infection much more quickly than traditional medicine or any other homeopathic medicine. While it is not a popular fruit in the United States, camu-camu may be purchased in powdered and capsule form, as well. The increasingly popular Mona-vie drink is loaded with camu-camu,offering a tasty drink with tremendous benefits for the body.