Does Zovirax Cream Work for Chicken Pox?
Chicken Pox - Disease
Chicken pox is usually a childhood disease that runs its course in about two weeks. It is a viral infection, clinically known as varicella zoster. Symptoms include muscle aches, fever, sore throat, cough and an itchy rash. The rash usually starts on the stomach and back and then spreads all over. The rash develops into blisters filled with clear fluid. They will burst and then crust over.
Chicken pox is usually accompanied by a mild fever. Acetaminophen will help to reduce the fever. If the fever is over 102, then it is time to consult your child's health-care provider. Do not give aspirin as it has been associated with Reye's syndrome.
Soothe the Itch
The chicken pox rash is itchy. Scratching can lead to infection, creating a complication, so it is important to soothe the rash and ease the itch. Scratching may also lead to scarring. Tepid baths with baking soda or colloidal oatmeal (find that at the pharmacy) soothe and help lessen the itch. Calamine lotion and antihistamines also help control the itch.
Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease and is easily spread before the disease is apparent. According to the CDC the vaccine prevents chicken pox in more than 70 percent to 90 percent who receive it. It prevents severe chicken pox in more than 95 percent of people who get it. Two doses of the vaccine are recommended for your child: the first at 12-15 months and the second at around 5 years, before she enters school.
Zovirax as either a tablet or suspension, taken orally, can be used to lessen the duration and decrease the rash of chickenpox. It can reduce the number of lesions and shorten the healing time to 50 percent. If your child has a suppressed immune system or other underlying disease, which could lead to complications, he may be given Zovirax.
Zovirax cream has not been shown to be effective for use in chicken pox. Your best bet for treating the rash is over-the-counter and home remedies.