How to Lessen the Duration of a Fever Blister
Apply lip balm with zinc oxide. This topical application can reduce infections, symptoms of fever blisters and prevent recurrences. Apply it directly to the affected skin twice daily or when needed.
Consume a diet high low in arginine and high in lysine. The herpes virus needs the amino acid arginine in order to replicate. Another amino acid lysine competes with arginine for intestinal transport. More lysine can reduce the herpes virus from causing fever blisters. Foods rich in lysine include parsley, legumes and seaweed. Foods high in arginine (must avoid) include seafood, peanuts, coconut and chocolate.
Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 and above to fever blisters. Sunlight exposure can cause an outbreak of fever blisters. Applying sunscreen can put a stop to sun induced recurrences of fever blisters. Apply sunscreen to the affected area 30 minutes before going outside and reapply it repeatedly during sun exposure.
Apply campho-phenique cold sore treatment to the affected area. This ointment dries up fever blisters and prevents infections. It also relieves any itching and pain. Apply the ointment at the first sign of a cold sore and scabs. You can purchase this ointment at any drugstore in your area.
Take the prescription drug Valtrex. This potent drug can effectively reduce the duration of a fever blister. The recommended dosage is 2 grams to be taken at the first signs of a fever blister, such as burning, itching and tingling and then again 12 hours later. Contact your physician in order to avail of this potent drug.