The Best Cold Sore Medicines
Cold Sore Information
Cold sores are highly contagious, and can easily spread from person to person. Touching and kissing should be kept at a minimum, or even simply not done, until the cold sore is healed. A cold sore may be very painful and swollen, in which case the application of ice can help take the swelling down a bit. Cold sores can happen to anyone, but those who have weakened immune systems are more apt to develop them. Stress can also cause a higher risk of a cold sore.
Herbal Remedies
Two herbal remedies can be attempted for a cure. Sage and Tea Tree Oil have been used by many people in the attempt to get rid of a cold sore. Taking sage as a tea can help the cold sore disappear, especially when taken in conjuncture with another medicine. Tea tree oil can be bought at most health food stores and applied with a cotton swab at the first sign of a cold sore. Reapply it daily until the cold sore is gone.
There are a lot of over-the-counter medications that are useful in treating cold sores. These products will bring relief to the affected area and cut down on itching. Campho-Phenique is one such medicine that can be used to treat a cold sore. Abreva is another inexpensive solution that can clear up a cold sore quickly. For those who are dealing with pain, ibuprofen can bring relief to the area. Denavir is another OTC cream that can help heal a cold sore.
A visit to the doctor may be necessary if cold sores become a frequent problem and hard to get rid of. Two main drugs are prescribed for the treatment of cold sores, Zovirax and Valtrex. These can heal cold sores that are worsening and not responding well to home remedies, or ones that are reoccurring. Talk to your doctor if your cold sores are particularly painful or will not heal with other medications.