Cures for Herpes Simplex 1
HSV-1 can be spread by close skin to skin contact with another person that has it. HSV-1 is incredibly contagious. HSV-1 in preschool children is incredibly common, this is because the virus can also be passed along by sharing a cup, lip balm or even eating utensils and preschool kids are always sharing their things. The most well known HSV medications on the market today are Acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir) and valacyclovir (Valtrex). Zovirax, Famvir and Valtex do not cure herpes; they just treat the symptoms of it. These medicines are antiviral drugs that reduce the development and spread of HSV to other regions in the body. By reducing the development and spread of HSV the body has a chance to ward off the infection. The medications are in pill form and must be taken with a full glass of water. Your doctor will recommend how often to take the medication. Some people have to take the pills every day and some only take them when they think that they are getting an outbreak. Do not use the medication more than what is recommended or serious side effects may occur.
Topical Treatments
Abreva is an over the counter FDA approved topical cream that has been clinically proven to help speed up the healing process of HSV-1 cold sores or fever blisters. The cream is to be used externally on the lips or skin. Just cover the affected area with a thin layer of the cream and leave on. Do not use this product more time than is recommend by the label. Certain side effects may occur with overuse. Such side effects include skin irritations, itching, redness, hives and even blisters may occur. There are many additional over the counter products that claim to heal and treat cold sores, but Abreva is the only FDA approved product on the market.