Different Ways to Get the Herpes Virus
Oral herpes can be spread through kissing. As many as 80 percent of people are infected with the herpes virus that causes cold sores, and many picked it up when they were infants by being kissed by parents or other relatives.
Sexual Contact
Genital herpes is easily spread by skin-to-skin genital contact. It is not necessary to have full intercourse to catch herpes.
Oral Sex
If your partner has a cold sores and performs oral sex on you, you are at risk of contracting the infection on your genitals from this exposure.
Condoms are not fully protective against genital herpes. That's because areas not covered by a condoms can be infected with the herpes virus.
Herpes is most readily spread when its characteristic sores are present, either on the genitals or the oral area. However, sometimes the virus is shed between outbreaks, when there are no lesions or sores. It can be transmitted unknowingly.