Home Remedies to Cure a Fever Blister Fast
According to Health Care Clinic, holding an ice cube on the cold sore may help the sore to heel more quickly, and also prevents the sore from spreading. You should apply the ice within 24 hours after the fever blister appears, and leave the cube on the sore for at least an hour. Drinking cool liquids may also help reduce the pain, but will not necessarily shorten the lifespan of the virus.
Aloe, either from a plant or from aloe gel, is effective in shortening the lifespan of the fever blister and/or preventing it from growing. Aloe is most effective if applied at the very beginning when the cold sore first appears. In fact, at the first sign of tingling suggesting a sore might appear, aloe gel should be applied in order to prevent the blister from forming and/or to speed the healing process.
Lemon balm
According to Health Care Guide, studies conducted in Germany suggest that lemon balm cream can be extremely useful in curing fever blisters. If the cream is applied to the blister, preferably soon after it appears, it can shorten healing time from 10 days to 5 days. In addition, you can reduce the chance of new fever blisters forming by applying lemon balm around the mouth and lips regularly.