OTC Cold Sore Cures
Topical Medications
Over-the-counter (OTC) topical products, such as Lipactin gel and Zilactin, generally work to relieve symptoms of cold sores. The ointments use topical anesthetics containing 5 to 20 percent benzocaine, 0.5 to 4 percent lidocaine, 2 percent tetracaine or 0.25 to 1 percent dibucaine to relieve burning, itching and pain. The medication only works for about 30 minutes.
Skin protectants like allantoin, petrolatum and dimethicone can help keep the lesion moist, preventing it from cracking. Lip balms with sunscreen can also help prevent further outbreaks, if the sun precipitates the outbreak.
Docosanol 10 percent cream (brand name Abreva) is the only medication known to decrease the healing time of the outbreak by one to two days. Apply the cream at the first sign of an outbreak, such as tingling beforehand. Apply the cream five times a day until the cold sore is healed. Side effects of docosanol include rash and itching.
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol or Advil may be used to reduce inflammation. Avoid giving aspirin to children, as it may trigger Reye's syndrome, a rare and fatal disorder. Cold or warm compresses may also be applied to ease pain. Cold may also work to decrease inflammation.
Apply zinc as soon as you feel the tingling to help reduce the healing time. The zinc ions crosslink with the DNA molecule of the herpes virus, preventing the DNA from replicating and reducing the number of viruses produced. Use a 2 percent water-based zinc solution every 30 to 60 minutes.
Avoid foods rich with arginine. The herpes virus needs arginine, an essential amino acid, for its metabolism. Foods rich in arginine include chocolate, cola, peas, grain cereals, peanuts, gelatin, cashews and beer.
Replace your toothbrush on a regular basis and after the blister develops. Replace the toothbrush again after the cold sore has fully healed. A toothbrush can harbor the herpes virus for days. Toothpaste can also transmit the disease, so use smaller tubes during your outbreak and replace it afterward.