Natural Methods to Cure Cold Sores
The amino acids lysine and arginine play a role in the outbreak of cold sores. Lysine helps prevent cold sores, while arginine causes them. So eat plenty of food with lysine, such as milk, yogurt, eggs, red meat, fish and wheat germ. Avoid foods with arginine, such as chocolate and peanuts. You can take a lysine supplement, but be sure to lower your arginine levels as well; otherwise, the lysine will not be effective.
Adding B12 into your diet also has been shown to prevent and cure cold sores. Eat foods rich in B12 such as mollusks, fortified breakfast cereals and fish. In addition, eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, broccoli and peppers. You can take supplements for both B12 and vitamin C, but do not take more than the daily allowance.
Topical Treatments and Mint
You can apply vitamin E, aloe, zinc or St. John's Wort at the first sign of a cold sore. All will start the healing process to get rid of the cold sore quickly. Ice may work as well, if you catch the cold sore early. Leave the ice on for five to 10 minutes every hour, and it will help stop the cold store from emerging to the surface.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a mint that can you can add to tea to help heal cold sores. You can also use it on a regular basis to prevent cold sores. Apply the extract from the mint to the cold sore to help speed up the healing process.
Prevention is the best natural way to limit your cold sore outbreaks. Keeping your lips moist helps prevent outbreaks. Use lip balm or Vaseline on a regular basis, and don't overexpose your face to the sun. Avoid sharing cups, food, utensils, makeup and towels. Also, get into the habit of keeping your hands clean, and adopt a stress-relieving activity, such as running, since stress is known to contribute to cold sore outbreaks.