Herpes Medical Cures
There are various options to treat herpes. These are used to manage, not cure, the virus. One of these is prescription antiviral medications such as acyclovir. This, when taken continuously, does seem to help decrease outbreak frequency and duration.
Other anti-virals
The newer medications on the market such as Valtrex and Famvir act similarly to acyclovir. They are more convenient to take and seem to work better at stopping the spread of infection to partners.
Topical medications.
There are also topical antivirals available, such as Dynamiclear. These work by killing the pathogens on contact. They are applied once per sore per outbreak. This medication is definitely less expensive, but works only when there are obvious sores and does not help manage the frequency or duration of outbreaks.
Lysine and arginine
Herpes outbreaks can occur when an individual is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Your doctor may suggest adding lysine to your diet. She will also suggest a topical L-lysine for outbreaks. Many medical providers suggest avoiding arginine, which may cause or exacerbate outbreaks. Foods such as chocolate or nuts are high in this substance.
Decreasing stress
Herpes outbreaks can be precipitated by stressful events or situations. Medical providers will encourage practicing stress relief. They may refer an individual to a counselor if necessary. Sometimes they may prescribe anti-anxiety medications to assist in decreasing the stress response.
Herpes management
While there is thus far no herpes cure, there is also no reason to not live life fully with a herpes diagnosis. Work with your medical provider and educate yourself.