About Remedies for Fever Blisters
Time Frame
According to the Mayo Clinic, fever blisters usually clear up without treatment in seven to 10 days. Oral antiviral medications may slightly shorten the duration.
Antiviral Medications
Antiviral medications are often used to treat fever blisters. Taken orally, they may shorten the duration of an outbreak of blisters and decrease pain and discomfort. Antiviral creams applied directly to the blisters may also help relieve pain. Antiviral medications are only effective if taken when the virus first appears. If fever blisters keep coming back, which they often do, your doctor may recommend that you take antiviral medication on a regular basis.
Topical Treatments
Over-the-counter topical treatments, such as creams or lip balms, can be used to help ease discomfort associated with fever blisters. Two of the most common are topical lidocaine and benzyl alcohol (Zilactin).
Pain Relievers
Other remedies for fever blisters include over-the-counter pain relievers. The most common include aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil and Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). However, you should not give aspirin to children because of potentially serious side effects.
Home Remedies
There are several home remedies for fever blisters. Wash the blisters gently with soap and water to keep them from spreading to other areas. Your doctor may recommend an antiseptic soap. Apply ice or warmth to the blisters to ease discomfort. Try to keep from touching the infected area, and do not pinch, pick or squeeze the blisters.