Cold Sores & Stress
Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. Once the virus is present in the body, it will never fully go away. The virus will go dormant, but once it is activated a cold sore will appear.
A herpes or cold sore outbreak is caused by high stress, fatigue or illness. These conditions cause the body's immune system to be lowered, which in turn causes the herpes virus to go into an active state.
Cold sores appear as open wounds on the lip area. These sores are very contagious and care needs to be taken during an outbreak. The sore will scab over and heal within seven days from the start of the outbreak.
Warning Signs
An outbreak of a Herpes virus cold sore can be felt approximately 24 hours prior by an itching or heat sensation in the area.
There are no cures for the Herpes Simplex Virus, however there are antiviral medications that can minimize the effects of the outbreak. Consult with your physician for the proper medication. The two prescriptions that are approved by the FDA are Denavir and Zovirax.