How Long Does Herpes Last?
Initial Outbreak
The initial outbreak usually occurs between two and 20 days after exposure to the virus. This outbreak can last from two to four weeks.
Recurrent Outbreaks
A recurrent outbreak can occur any time after the initial one. These outbreaks happen, on average, about four times a year and last one to two weeks.
The number of outbreaks usually decreases over time. When you initially acquire the virus, it is common to have an outbreak every few weeks. After many years, you may have only one outbreak a year.
There is no cure for herpes infections. Antiviral medicines are used to lessen the duration and frequency of outbreaks.
It is estimated that one in five adolescents and adults are infected with genital herpes. Up to 80 percent of American adults have oral herpes, commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters.