Second Herpes Outbreak Symptoms
Cold Sores
For herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), the most common second herpes outbreak symptom are cold sores around the mouth and lips. These small blisters may be slightly painful and may last a couple of weeks. They will crust over and form a scab before disappearing. During an active outbreak, you can transfer the Type 1 virus, so activities such as kissing and sharing beverages should be avoided.
Genital Warts
Small, red, painful bumps similar to cold sores will appear on and around the genitals during your second and subsequent outbreaks with the Type 2 herpes virus. These small warts can form on the penis, vagina and anus, and are often mistaken for insect bites or jock itch. Like Type 1, Type 2 is contagious when the symptoms are present. Therefore, you should refrain from any sexual activity or sharing clothing during this time.
Itching is typically a precursor to a herpes outbreak. The sensation typically begins one or two days before the blisters begin to form. Sometimes beginning a treatment involving medicinal creams and ointments can curb the virus' attack and lessen your symptoms when they occur.
Often herpes outbreak symptoms found in the genital area can be mistaken for many other conditions. These include a yeast infection, jock itch or insect bites. It is important to learn the difference between the genital warts and other causes of the small blisters in order to effectively treat them.
Future outbreak symptoms can be controlled by taking a prescription medication designed to keep the virus at bay. Lowering your stress level and promoting a strong immune system will also help your body fight the virus and keep it dormant.