Ways to Prevent Cold Sores
Before Infection
Before you even develop a cold sore, get in the habit of not sharing utensils, cups, towels and drinks with just anyone. Kissing and oral sex both transmit the herpes virus that causes cold sores, so abstinence is the best form of prevention. Remember, while you may not see a cold sore, someone may be in the beginning stages of a breakout, which you can't see.
After Infection
Keep your lips moist at all times with lip balm. Use products with an SPF of 15 or higher if you are going to be outside, and try to avoid overexposure to the sun and UV lamps. Stay relaxed and avoid stress, as that can trigger an outbreak. Have an outlet that can relieve stress such as running, watching a favorite movie, shopping or taking a bubble bath.
When you start to feel an outbreak coming on (tingling, burning and itching are frequent signs), start to use cold sore medicine such as Abreva and Valtrex. While this probably won't prevent the breakout, it will help it go away more quickly.
Be Careful
Once you have a breakout or are in the beginning stages of one, be considerate of other people. Avoid those behaviors that can transmit the virus to them. In addition, you need to be careful of yourself. Wash your hands frequently, and if you touch the area around your mouth, don't touch anything else, including your own body, until you thoroughly clean your hands.