Tips to Help Stop Cold Sores

Caused by the herpes simplex virus, cold sores are contagious blisters that can form on your lips, gums or the roof of your mouth. Sometimes you can feel the soon-to-be-infected area tingle a day or so before a cold sore forms. The sooner you can catch a cold sore forming, the better. These painful blisters are filled with liquid that contains the active virus; after the blisters burst, the open wound eventually dries and forms a scab. It can take up to 10 days to heal completely.
  1. Topical Creams and Antiviral Medication

    • Drug stores offer a variety of topical creams that claim to stop cold sores from forming if applied during that tingly period. Others profess to help speed up the healing process, keep cold sore scabs soft to prevent them from cracking (which slows down healing), and relieve the pain of a cold sore. Abreva is a popular topical cream. Antiviral medication can reduce symptoms and help dry up cold sores once the blisters have drained. Those who suffer from regular or severe breakouts can take antiviral medication daily to prevent cold sores from forming.


    • Sometimes ice held against the area where the cold sore is forming (during the tingling stage when you know you're going to get one) can reduce the size of the sore or delay its formation. The theory is that the virus requires a warm, moist environment to thrive; make the environment ice cold to discourage it.

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    • Clean a cold sore with hydrogen peroxide a few times a day to speed up the healing time. Also avoid foods high in acid like tomatoes, citrus, soda or anything with vinegar if ingesting it requires contact with your cold sore. If you can't avoid these foods, clean the cold sore immediately after with hydrogen peroxide.

    Lysine and Natural Extracts

    • Our bodies use lysine to make protein, which in turn produces infection-fighting antibodies, enzymes, hormones and body tissues. It helps stop cold sores from spreading. During a cold sore outbreak, eat foods high in lysine like meat, fish, dairy products (like cheese, yogurt and milk), brewer's yeast, and wheat germ; take lysine supplements (1,000 to 3,000 milligrams a day); or purchase lysine ointment to apply directly to the cold sore as it forms and heals. Goldenseal, grape seed, Echinacea, and olive leaf extracts can be applied directly to the cold sore. Apply lemon balm extract, which has antiviral properties, to speed up the healing time and reduce outbreak recurrence.

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