How to Treat Postherpetic Neuralgia Pain
If you determine that your painful blistery rash is shingles see a doctor quickly. Medical studies have shown that starting an oral antiviral drug such as Zovirax, Valtrex or Famvir within forty-eight hours can lessen the duration and symptoms of the shingles infection and significantly reduce the potential of developing postherpetic neuralgia pain.
Oral pain medications such as acetaminophen or the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen are routinely used first line to treat postherpetic neuralgia pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, relief with these OTC agents is usually limited. Medical professionals usually resort to using combination narcotic pain medications such as Lortab or Oxycodone to help control the burning pain on a short term basis. If narcotic pain medication is required on a longer term basis than the adjunctive medications discussed below are introduced to allow the narcotic dose to be reduced.
Once postherpetic neuralgia pain begins therapy focuses around alleviating the discomfort. Lidoderm patches contain the topical pain relieving medication lidocaine. These patches can be cut and applied to areas of discomfort usually the location of the now resolved shingles rash. They can be left on for approximately 12 hours and can be used indefinitely.
Postherpetic neuralgia pain occurs due to nerve damage from the preceding shingles infection. These inflamed nerves convey abnormal pain signals to the brain. Anti-seizure medications are used to treat postherpetic neuralgia pain and skin sensitivity by modulating pain sensation in the affected nerves. Some of this modulation and reduction of pain probably also occurs in the brain as well. Commonly used medications include Neurontin, Lyrica and Lamictal.
The perception of pain can be further reduced in the brain by altering levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Older antidepressant medications such as Elavil and Pamelor are frequently used in lower doses to help treat postherpetic neuralgia pain and restlessness.
Topical capsaicin derived from chili peppers is available in a topical cream. This cream is applied to the painful and sensitive skin where it depletes a neurotransmitter called Substance P. Without Substance P these damaged nerves are temporarily unable to transmit pain signals to the brain.
Get the Zostavax shot to prevent shingles from occurring. Studies suggest that the incidence of shingles can be cut in half with the vaccine and the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia pain reduced by two-thirds.