How to Clear a Cold Sore in Two Days
Things You'll Need
- Lysine Pills Abreva
Look out for the first symptoms of a cold sore outbreak, usually resulting in itching, tingling or burning of the lips. Also, a sore throat or high fever can be symptoms that an outbreak is coming.
Clean your hands and lip area before applying any medications or taking any oral medications. Be cautious not to apply any lipstick or ChapStick to your lips.
Orally take two Lysine capsules on an empty stomach at the first sign of outbreak. Lysine is an amino acid that is obtained through diet. When taken in the right dosage, Lysine has proved to slow the growth of the herpes virus.
Apply to the affected area a small amount of abreva cream, as often as every two hours. Drink plenty of water to help flush your system.
Take two Lysine pills again the next day and continue to apply the abreva cream. By this day, the virus already should have stopped from multiplying, thus not allowing for blisters to form. If blisters already have formed, they will dry out over the course of the second day.