How to Get Herpes of the Eye
Ocular herpes is caused by Type I of the herpes simplex virus, which also causes cold sores and other skin conditions. Although ocular herpes can be easily treated in most instances, it has the potential to become a serious health threat, resulting in scarring and even permanent blindness. This is a condition that can be prevented.Instructions
Know that are many different types of ocular herpes. Herpes kerititis is the most common, and it affects the cornea. Stromal kerititis occurs when the viral infection progresses deeper into the eye. Some viral infections, such as iridocyclitis, manifest themselves inside the eye.
One way of contracting ocular herpes is through the exchange of bodily fluids. Contact with another person who has the virus can lead to an infection.
It is also possible to infect yourself, particularly if you have a cold sore. For instance, the virus can be spread by touching your fingers to your lips and then to your eyes.
Sometimes herpes simplex can settle and lay dormant in your eye. In this case, an infection can be triggered by factors such as stress or a weakened immune system.
Be aware of the symptoms. These include red eye, swelling, irritation, decreased sensitivity to light and loss of vision.