Home Remedies for Herpes Simplex 1

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) brings about mild skin outbreaks. These outbreaks are mainly cold sores (fever blisters) on the mouth and lips. Occasionally, the genitals are affected. This is not to be confused with HSV-2, which is a much more serious outbreak affecting the genitals. This condition causes painful blisters that are extremely contagious until completely healed. Total healing takes two to four weeks. There are many natural substances that can help with HSV-1 outbreak symptoms.
  1. Outbreak

    • Herpes Simplex 1 first produces a tingling or burning near the lips or nose. A short while later, red pimples form, followed by blisters. A person may experience enlarged lymph nodes and a mild fever. Intense sunlight or sunburn can cause an occurrence. Outbreaks can also happen after a separate condition weakens the immune system.

    External Herbs

    • There are many external herb based treatments that are effective in treating this condition. Aloe gel applied to the infected area will help kill the virus and relieve the inflammation. Cayenne can relieve the pain of nerve damage to previously affected skin. Do not apply cayenne to active sores. Lemon balm,also known as melissa, can reduce healing time by half as well as the number of outbreaks. Apply this cream to lips two to four times a day.

    Internal Herbs

    • There are several natural treatments that are taken internally as well. Acerola tablets prevent blisters from forming. You should take as indicated on the label. Astragalus enhances immunity and serves as an antibiotic. Consume in capsule or tablet form as indicated on the label. Cat's claw is effective against viral infections and strengthens the immune system. You can take as either a tincture or as a capsule. Dendrobium is a treatment for lip sores brought on by sun exposure. Make a tea by steeping 1 tsp. of the herb in 1 cup of water. Have a cup three times daily.


    • People with herpes infections should not take dong quai and pinellia.


    • Eat a diet low in the amino acid arginine and high in lysine. The former causes the virus to multiply while the latter interferes with attempt to multiply. Take 50 mg of zinc every day. This will lessen the duration, frequency and severity of an outbreak. Be sure to avoid citrus fruits and juices when the virus is active.

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