How to Test to See If You Have a Cold Sore

A cold sore is basically a small blister on or near your mouth and lip area; the infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This small patch of blistered skin can be a huge inconvenience and even a source of pain for some people. However, if you leave the cold sore alone, it will likely heal by itself within a 2-week period. If you are not sure if what you see on your lip is a cold sore, there are a few ways you can test and figure out exactly what you are dealing with.


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      Pay attention to how you feel in your mouth and lip region. Cold sores are generally accompanied by pain, especially at the beginning stages. Some people will experience tingling, burning, itching, numbness or tenderness in the affected area.

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      Look for other symptoms. Cold sores can be accompanied by pain in your throat, swollen glands or a fever.

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      Watch the sore blister on your mouth closely for the next few days. A cold sore will break open; it has a clear liquid inside; and it will form into a blister.

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      Go to your doctor. Although he will not generally perform formal medical tests to diagnose a cold sore, your doctor can tell you if what you have is a cold sore and he can prescribe treatment. Also, he can point to certain triggers that may precipitate the outbreak of cold sores, such as stress, fatigue, sunlight exposure, infection, and a weakened immune system.

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