How to Oxygenate a Cold Sore

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the Herpes virus. It is spread through kissing and sharing silverware with an infected person. Signs of a cold sore include pain, fever and sore throat. Once the cold sore appears, the blister breaks open and then scabs over. The outbreak lasts between four days and two weeks. Studies have shown that people with low oxygen levels are more susceptible to the virus than people with average levels. While oxygenation is only one way to treat cold sores, the treatment is free and good for your entire body.

Things You'll Need

  • Mirror
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
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      Exercise in the early morning. Do both aerobic exercise and strength training. It is recommended that you get 60 minutes of aerobic exercise and 20 to 30 minutes of strength training three times per week.

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      Improve your posture. Push your shoulders back, straighten your back and lift your chin. This increases your oxygen intake by 5 percent. Stand in front of a mirror to see how your posture looks.

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      Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A diet high in fat and simple carbohydrates reduces the blood's ability to transport oxygen throughout your body.

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      Quit smoking. Smoking lessens the oxygen's ability to travel to your brain. Avoid as much second-hand smoke as possible.

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