How to Test for HSV-1
The American Social Health Association urges that you get a culture within 48 hours of lesions appearing. Cultures can help identify the specific strain of herpes you have. A cotton swab will be used to swipe a sore, which is then examined for HSV. Request that your healthcare provider ask for the laboratory examining your culture to indicate on your lab report which strain you have contracted.
Submit tissue scrapings. These scrapings will be smeared onto a slide to look for the virus. Samples will need to be taken during an active outbreak, when many sores are present.
Give a sample of your blood. Blood tests can detect HSV antibodies, according to the Mayo Clinic. You can specifically ask your healthcare provider for blood tests that will pinpoint either HSV-1 and HSV-2.
Undergo a PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, test. Blood, spinal fluid or tissue samples will be taken to examine the DNA. PCR tests can find DNA containing the herpes virus.