Home Cures for Cold Sores
Diet and Lifestyle
Stress, fatigue and excess exposure to the sun may contribute to an increased frequency of cold sores. Persons afflicted with regular bouts of cold sores should attempt to minimize stress in their lives and regulate outdoor activities. Remove highly acidic and salty items from your diet, and steer clear of oatmeal, chocolate, peanuts, whole wheat and any items high in arginine.
Vitamins and Supplements
Enhancing your diet with zinc, iron and vitamins A, C and E may help prevent cold sores. Ingesting L-Lysine is one of the few, clinically proven methods of fighting cold sores. In a study published by the Department of Medicine at Indiana University, it was found that test subjects taking oral L-Lysine reduced the occurrence and severity of cold sores. The subjects also experienced a quicker healing time.
Home Remedies
Home remedies are largely ineffective against cold sores; however, a person can take action that will help ease pain and alleviate symptoms. The Mayo Clinic suggests applying warm and cold compresses against the cold sore. Mayo further advises that over-the-counter medications containing lidocaine or benzocain could prove effective in reducing discomfort if the compresses do not work. The best home remedy is time, as the vast majority of cold sores will heal on their own within one or two weeks.
Kitchen Cabinet Remedies
Ordinary tea bags are often used as a cold sore remedy, according to Home Remedies. Soak the tea bag in warm water and hold it against the blister for up to 30 minutes. Many people moisten their finger, dip it in table salt and then place the finger against the cold sore. Lemon balm extract is reputed to alleviate discomfort and speed healing.
Soothing Oils and Lotions
Applying witch hazel to a cold sore may shorten healing time, reports Home Remedies. Aloe vera, often used for sunburn relief, may also be helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation of cold sores. Aloe vera oil or gel should be applied to the cold sore several times a day.