Valtrex Stroke Danger
Valtrex is used in the treatment of cold sores, genital herpes, herpes zoster/shingles and chicken pox in children.
If you have advanced HIV, or have been the recipient of a kidney or bone marrow transplant, caution is advised as some patients died as a result of complications of TTP/HU during clinical trials. TTP/HUS is a rare condition affecting coagulation of the blood. It is characterized by lots of small blood clots forming in the blood vessels throughout the body. This puts you at increased risk of stroke and kidney damage as it targets these body parts. A stroke occurs when there is sudden death of a part of the brain caused by a blockage or damage to arteries leading to the brain. Other symptoms of TTP/HUS include jaundice, kidney failure, spontaneous bruising and anemia. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor as the drug information leaflet advises that the medication be stopped in this instance. Keep any screening appointments relating to your medication and your condition.
Common side effects
Other side effects common in adults include headache, nausea and abdominal pain. In children, the most common side effect is headache.
Rare side effects
The Valtrex prescribing information leaflet states that elderly patients using Valtrex be treated with caution. Cases of acute renal failure, agitation, loss of consciousness and seizures have been reported. If you experience any of these side effects, please see your doctor as soon as possible
Very severe reactions are rare, but if you experience any signs of swelling (especially in the mouth and face), rash, itching, difficulty in breathing please consult your doctor immediately.
While rare instances of stroke associated with the development of TTP/HUS potentially caused by the use of Valtrex in HIV and transplant patients have been reported, there is no evidence to suggest that there is any such danger to most people using this drug. The majority of patients experience little or no side effects and improved symptoms. This is not a complete list of side effects, so please report any unusual events to your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking Valtrex.