Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Exercise Guidelines
Exercise Guidelines
Perform regular training consisting of short bouts of mild to moderate exercise to help deal with the effects of pulmonary hypertension. According to information from the Pulmonary Hypertension Association, controlling the intensity of exercise is important to help avoid complications from the condition for individuals with pulmonary hypertension. This means keeping your training sessions limited to around 30 to 45 minutes at most, and relegating your chosen activities to those least likely to result in shortness of breath, pain, or light-headedness. Walking outdoors, on a track, or on a treadmill is a perfect example of an exercise suited to individuals suffering from pulmonary hypertension. Light cycling and low-intensity resistance training are two other feasible alternatives. Aim to perform at least 30 minutes of exercise per day four or five days a week.
Take certain precautions to avoid overstressing the body and triggering symptoms of pulmonary hypertension while exercising. First, never train outdoors during harsh conditions. This includes temperatures that are either too high or too low, or otherwise adverse conditions like excessive mugginess. Avoid exercising both the upper body and the lower body in the same session or during the same activity, as this can lead to overexertion far faster than keeping your training of the upper and lower body separate. Finally, consult with your physician before beginning any training program to discover whether he has any additional guidelines for your case.