Is Uncontrolled Blood Pressure a Contraindication for Massage?
Defining Hypertension
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure or HBP, is when the pressure within the circulatory system is elevated. This pressure weakens the walls of the blood vessels, reducing their usable lifespan. Mild hypertension is defined as an average of several blood pressure readings where the systolic pressure is 140 or above, and the diastolic reading is 90 or above. Moderate hypertension is when the average readings are above 160 for systolic and 100 for diastolic.
Controlled HBP and Massage
When HBP is controlled with medication, or controlled with diet and exercise, massage can be added with a doctor's permission. Circulatory massage may be contraindicated, but other modalities may be used.
Uncontrolled HPB and Massage
If HBP is not controlled through medication or diet and exercise, massage should not be performed. Circulatory massage can worsen the damage done to blood vessel walls by forcing blood through the body. In addition, there may be underlying factors causing the HBP that contraindicate massage.
How Massage Affects Blood Pressure
Massage works to help lower blood pressure by triggering the parasympathetic response system, releasing endorphins and oxytocin, the body's own natural painkiller and sedative. The heart rate is slowed, breathing deepens, and a feeling of overall well-being and calm replaces the typical day-to-day stress that can elevate blood pressure.
Safety Notes on Massage With HBP
Abdominal massage should never be performed. Abdominal massage can trigger a vagus nerve response, causing blood flow to the brain to be inhibited. This can lead to blackouts.
A health history should be taken to determine of the HBP is essential (not the result of another condition) or secondary (the result of another condition). If the HBP is secondary, massage may be contraindicated due to the underlying condition. Also, HBP can cause health problems which contraindicate massage.
Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure is not a contraindication for massage, although in extreme cases the client should have medical clearance prior to receiving a massage.