Fasting Hypertension Cure
Understanding Hypertension
A blood pressure reading is the combination of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure measures the rate at which your heart squeezes blood out. Diastolic blood pressure is the measure of arterial pressure when the heart is being filled with blood between heartbeats.
Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80 or lower. High blood pressure is 140 over 90 or higher. When blood pressure is between 120 over 80 and 140 over 90, it is referred to as "prehypertension."
To begin your hypertension fast, limit food intake to fruits and vegetables only for 2 to 3 days. This pre-fasting period will prepare the body for the following 10 to 11 day water-only fast. The water-only fast should be medically supervised. After the water-only diet, begin introducing a vegan low-fat, low-sodium diet. The refreeding period will last about 6 to 7 days.
As an alternative to the water-only fast, fasting once a week by intaking only fruits and vegetable juices will help cure high blood pressure. During the fast do not consume meat, poultry, seafood, coffee or tea. Start every morning with a cup of fresh papaya and long-cucumber juice. The potassium will help lower high blood pressure. For lunch, eat amla preserve plain or on whole wheat toast. Twice a day drink 1/2 cup of the juice of the stem of a banana plant to cure hypertension. Throughout the fasting period, take mint leaves as a chutney or juice.
Losing weight also is a contributing factor in reducing high blood pressure. Thus, the weight loss associated with fasting is an added benefit.