Does Garlic Reduce Blood Pressure?
Never Ignore Your Doctor
Even if you feel the need to try alternative methods of treatment, keep your doctor's appointments and make sure you follow doctor recommendations. It's important that you follow health guidelines and recommendations. Discuss alternative methods of treatment with your doctor before attempting anything new. Even if you plan on using alternative treatment methods in conjunction with traditional or prescribed methods of treatment, it's important that you discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure that what you're planning to do is safe.
Consuming Raw Garlic
Consuming raw garlic may not be as easy as one might think. To many, the thought is downright disturbing. To others, garlic is a beloved addition to any meal or snack, and the idea of consuming raw garlic isn't so unappealing as one might think. There are several ways raw garlic can be consumed. Which option you choose depends on your preference. You can sprinkle finely minced garlic on your salad, or you can mix it with cold pasta and vegetables. You can also use it as a dip with bread. Finally, garlic can be mixed with mayo and used as a sandwich spread. Minced garlic and garlic juice can be purchased from the produce section of just about any grocery store.
How Does It Work?
Garlic works by dilating the muscles of the blood vessels; that helps by lowering the blood pressure naturally. Garlic consists of a compound called adenosine, which also helps in the vasodilatation; it's a muscle relaxant. Blood pressure can benefit from both raw and cooked garlic, but raw garlic is more potent than cooked garlic. Garlic will also help with the formation of blood clots, which can help reduce cholesterol. According to the Journal of American Academy of Family Physicians, ingesting garlic on a daily basis can help reduce the development of colon cancer, gastro intestinal tract cancers and stomach cancers. It also improves the immune system and helps prevent gas from forming.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
Unfortunately, most people with high blood pressure do not have any noticeable symptoms. However, symptoms associated with high blood pressure can include dizziness or dizzy spells, headache and nosebleeds.
Weight, activity level, tobacco use, sodium intake, potassium intake, stress levels, alcohol consumption, age and family history can all be the cause of high blood pressure and should be taken into consideration.