Oil to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Olive Oil
Olive oil has been found to significantly help reduce blood pressure. Particular studies have been done on groups of people with high blood pressure to monitor the affects of olive oil. These studies have revealed that olive oil and its properties play a significant role in reducing blood pressure. Olive oil is composed of monosaturated fatty acids and polyphenols. Polyphenols are chemical substances that are found in plants and are thought to contain antioxidant characteristics and offer good health benefits even stronger than that of vitamins. They are also known to help protect blood vessels. Olive oil has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol, LDL, without disrupting the good cholesterol, HDL. Although olive oil has its benefits, there are some considerations to using olive oil as a means to help control blood pressure. Olive oil should be purchased in small amounts to make sure that unused olive does not sit out too long and spoil. It should also be kept in cooler temperatures and out of the sunlight as these two components also increase the chance of spoilage. It is recommended that you consume approximately two tablespoons of olive oil per day to get its health benefits.
Fish Oils
Fish oils have long been recognized as healthy oils. They have a lot of health benefits, with one major benefit being that they help reduce blood pressure. Fish oils are known as essential fatty acids, which have been discovered to naturally reduce inflammation. Inflammation is one key problem related to high blood pressure. Arteries can become inflamed and have the potential to lose their elasticity. These two problems combined increase the risk for high blood pressure. Red blood cells also have the potential to lose their elasticity and create problems with inflammation, influencing blood pressure. Fish oils work to keep arteries and red blood cells more elastic, which in turn helps to keep blood pressure down.
Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil is an oil that has been found to naturally lower your levels of LDL, which are low-density lipoproteins. These are the dangerous lipoproteins that increase blood pressure. Flaxseed oil is a rich source of omega-3 and alpha-linolenic acid, which are both known to reduce blood pressure. Research on flaxseed oil has determined that people who have included flaxseed oil as part of their diet, had significant reduction in their blood pressure. A trial study conducted on 59 men with high blood pressure were given 8 grams of flaxseed oil per day. Most subjects had their diastolic pressure reduced by 5-10 mmHG, and their systolic pressure also reduced by 5-10 mmHG after consuming flaxseed oil for 12 weeks.
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