Tips on Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure
Keeping a healthy weight
One of the most important tips on maintaining healthy blood pressure is to keep the body in shape and at the proper weight. Those who have a Body Mass Index higher than 25 is at an increased risk for getting high blood pressure. Losing weight will help to reduce blood pressure readings, and even dropping five pounds has a significant effect on blood pressure levels.
Body Mass Index readings define:
30 > Obese
25-29.9 Overweight
18-24.9 NormalTo maintain a healthy weight, eat nutritional foods and partake in daily activities for at least 30 minutes each day. Cardio is an ideal activity, since it keeps the metabolism burning fat and creates a stronger heart muscle.
Eating Better
Eating a diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits and limiting sodium, fat and sugar is ideal to maintain a healthy blood pressure. Combined with daily activity, eating right is one of the best ways to reduce heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity-related ailments.
Many foods eaten today contain extreme amounts of sodium and salt, which increases the risk of high blood pressure. Reduce the amount of frozen or processed foods in the diet and replace them with fresh meals, incorporating salt-free seasonings for flavor. The DASH diet, also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is recommended to those who need to reduce high blood pressure. Two weeks on the DASH diet will help bring down blood pressure to healthier levels, all while eating a variety of foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
Stop Harmful Habits
Aside from not eating healthy foods or getting enough exercise, harmful habits can also increase the risk of high blood pressure. Drinking alcohol should be avoided, since it can affect blood-pressure levels. One drink per day is the current guideline to stay within moderation for women with two drinks for men; however, switching from liquor to wine may prove to be more beneficial due to wine's flavonoids and antioxidants, which counteract harmful free radicals that cause heart disease.
Smoking should also be stopped entirely, since it negatively affects the arteries and blood vessels within the body. Smoking is also responsible for many instances of stroke and heart attacks, so quitting not only reduces many forms of deadly cancer, but also high blood pressure.