Free Home Remedies to Lower Bloodpressure
Potassium-rich watermelon plays a significant role in reducing blood pressure. Researchers from Texas A&M, the University of Nebraska and Oklahoma State University conducted a study of watermelon's essential amino acid, arginine. Their findings showed that arginine lowered blood pressure, reduced blood clotting and protected against myocardial infarction strokes.
The researchers recruited healthy volunteers and gave them varying levels of watermelon juice over a three-week period. The group that took the most watermelon juice had the highest levels of arginine in their system. Researchers concluded that watermelon offers powerful safeguards against high blood pressure and aids in whole body maintenance.
Citrus Fruit
Vitamin C, phytonutrients and bioflavonoids are robust compounds that reduce blood pressure. Phytonutrients and bioflavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties. Bioflavonoids in the white pith of citrus fruit lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Citrus fruit such as grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges and tangerines are effective fighters against high blood pressure. The fruit's skin is also an effective agent in the fight. Lemon zest or peel can be used in a variety of foods to provide extra vitamin C power.
Garlic lowers blood pressure because it contains a natural angiotensen I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor called gamma-glutamylcysteine. Blood pressure increases in response to the body's production of ACE. Some prescription blood pressure drugs work as "ACE inhibitors," blocking formation of the chemical. Garlic is the natural remedy.
H. Kieswetter, M.D., from the University of Saarlandes in Hamburg, Germany, conducted a study that analyzed garlic's impact on patients suffering from blood clots in the legs and discovered that garlic has a powerful effect on blood pressure. His study proved that patients who took 800mg of garlic powder every day for 12 weeks had improved walking function versus those who received a placebo. He also noted that patients taking the garlic tablets saw a decrease in blood pressure after only taking a single garlic powder capsule.