Tekturna HCT Side Effects
Minor Side Effects
There are some side effects linked to Tekturna HCT that are usually considered to be minor. These side effects often subside on their own and are no cause for alarm. Some of these common side effects include joint ache, stomachache, indigestion, diarrhea, weakness, blurry vision, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, dry coughing, dizziness, feeling lightheaded and a spinning sensation. Should these side effects intensify or fail to go away, medical attention should be sought.
Severe Side Effects
There are some more severe side effects of Tekturna HCT that are potentially more harmful. Should an individual experience a serious effect of the medicine, he must contact a medical professional immediately. These effects are a decrease in the frequency of urination (or failing to urinate at all), bruising or bleeding very easily, jaundice, sore throat, headache (accompanied by peeling, blistering and rash), fever, muscle pain, swollen glands, throwing up, nausea, seizures, abnormal behaviors and thoughts, extreme sleepiness, heightened thirst, dry mouth, having to urinate more, passing out and rapid heart rate.
Allergic Reaction
Certain individuals might also experience allergic reactions as side effects of Tekturna HCT. Those who experience allergic reactions must immediately get medical attention. Some of these signs are having a hard time breathing, breaking out into hives and swelling of the tongue, lips, throat and face.
When taking Tekturna HCT, caution must be exercised at all times. The medicine should never be taken alongside a meal that is high in fat, as that could make absorption much more difficult. Also, individuals should refrain from using salt replacements or potassium supplements with the medication. Alcohol should also be avoided, as it can reduce the blood pressure, thus making some of the medication's side effects worse.
If a person suspects that she overdosed on Tekturna HCT, she should get emergency medical assistance as soon as possible. There are some overdose signs to look out for, such as muscle weakness, muscle ache, rapid heart rate, nausea, throwing up, restlessness, disorientation and confusion, urinating more frequently, heightened thirst, dry mouth, fainting, convulsions and feeling lightheaded.