Herbal Treatment of Hypertension
Understand that for more than 2,500 years, barberry has played a critical role in herbal healing. Due to the chemicals contained in the herb, barberry helps to reduce high blood pressure by enlarging blood vessels. For medicinal purposes, barberry can be consumed in the form of a decoction. Simply mix 1/2 tsp. of powdered barberry root bark into a cup of water, and boil for 15 to 30 minutes. Allow to cool before drinking. Do not drink more than 1 cup per day, and note that the taste is quite bitter, so you may want to add some honey to improve the flavor.
Black Cohosh
Know that black cohosh is believed to lower high blood pressure by opening the blood vessels in the limbs. Like barberry, it should be consumed in the form of a decoction. Make a black cohosh decoction by boiling 1/2 tsp. of powdered black cohosh root per cup of water for about 30 minutes. Allow it to cool before drinking. Add honey or lemon to mask the bitter taste, and take 2 tbsp. every couple of hours, up to 1 cup per day.
Keep in mind that garlic is one of the world's oldest known medicines dating back to 3000 B.C. Although well known for a number of healing abilities, garlic is perhaps best known for its ability to lower blood pressure. In order to receive the maximum healing power, you should consume two to three cloves of garlic per day.
Know that mistletoe is more than just a plant under which people kiss at Christmas time. It also contains substances that lower blood pressure. The recommended amount to control hypertension is 1 cup per day of an infusion tea made from 1 tsp, of freshly dried mistletoe plant mixed in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, and drink hot.
Never begin taking herbal remedies without talking to your doctor first. Herbal treatments should only be used in close consultation with a doctor. Discontinue use of herbal treatments if you suffer any side effects, or your condition does not improve after taking the herbal remedy.